what is GRASShoppers?

GRASShoppers is an instructional program for boys and girls ages 2 and 3 (at time of sign up) where parents take the field with their child to focus on age appropriate individual skills such as dribbling & trapping.
  • Ages 2 and 3
  • 45 min. class once per week for 6 weeks
  • 30 minutes on fun exercises to help individual skills and confidence
  • 15 minutes of supervised games
  • New players: $80 per 6-week session (includes T-Shirt)
  • Returning player: $75 per 6-week session (already has GRASShoppers T-Shirt)
  • Registration based on a first-come, first-served basis

    Upcoming Classes

  • SP2- Monday, May 5th @ 5:30pm
  • SP2- Tuesday, May 6th @ 5:30pm
- late registrations welcomed
- dates are subject to change
- leagues also forming at the River's Edge facility

ask about our...

    Soccer Starter Kit
  • Includes a ball, shin guards, socks and carry bag
  • Cost: $50


Register NOW online!

Step 1: Player & Parent Info

Step 2: What day?
Please choose your preferred day and time. All Classes offered are subject to change due to enrollment.
GRASShoppers (ages 2-3)

Step 3: What session?
Session Starting (select one)

Step 4: Payment & extra items
Registration Type

COMBO Information

Soccer City will do our best to place your child on a team. If your child is not placed on a team, $40 will be refunded. Offer applies during Winter Sessions only.

I would like to purchase a Starter Kit
I would like to only purchase...

Total Due at registration: $0.00